Low Carb Intelligence vs. Low Carb Stupidity

Remember that movie with Jim Carey, "Dumb and Dumber?" And remember the sequel to that movie, "Dumb and Dumberer?" Well, the low carb mania that is sweeping the globe today has reached a level beyond dumberer... It's more like dumberererer (try to say that five times real fast)

There is an epidemic of "low carb stupidity" running rampant among millions of people throughout the world today - and fast food restaurants, food product manufacturers, supplement companies, and weight loss programs are capitalizing on it in a big way!

\"low Carb\"

The low carb diet is not inherently "stupid," however. It can be quite beneficial within certain parameters and under the right circumstances. The problem is that many practitioners are uninformed, misinformed, or simply lack the common sense and intuitive bodily wisdom to utilize the low carb approach intelligently.

Low Carb Intelligence vs. Low Carb Stupidity

Many low-carbers don't even know why they are on a low carb diet, they're just following the followers (Not intelligent!) Doing what everyone else is doing is always one of the surest, straightest routes to arrive at mediocrity! If you want to be a success, your chances are far greater if you look at what the masses are doing and do the exact opposite!

Fortunately, there is such a thing as "low carb intelligence." Hopefully, by reading my brief rant, you will increase your carb IQ, and soon join the ranks of the extraordinarily fit, lean and healthy "carbo geniuses!"

Low carb stupidity #1

Selecting your beer or liquor carefully to make sure you have the brand with the fewest grams of carbs.

Low carb intelligence

Avoiding alcohol if you're trying to lose body fat. Drinking only in moderation if you're trying to maintain your weight and be healthy.

Low carb stupidity #2

Believing any of the following: Low carbs diets are the only way to lose fat, low carb diets are the best way to lose fat, no one should ever eat a high carb diet, high carbs always make you fat, starches and grains make everyone sick and unhealthy.

Low carb intelligence

Adjusting your approach according to your health status, your goals and your body type, not according to generalizations preached by dogmatic diet "gurus."

Low carb stupidity #3

Going on the Atkins diet (or any other very low carb/ketogenic diet) with absolutely no idea why you're doing it or how the diet works (going on it because "everybody" is doing it and because you see it advertised everywhere.)

Low carb intelligence

Studying the physiology and biochemistry of the low carb diet and completely understanding all the pros and cons. Then making an informed decision whether to restrict carbs based on your own personal goals, needs and heath status.

Low carb stupidity #4

Thinking that very low carb (ketogenic) dieting is a maintainable "lifestyle."

Low carb intelligence

Understanding that reasonable (moderate) restriction of carbs can be a helpful short term strategy for fat loss, a good way to reach a peak, a legitimate method to control appetite, and an effective way for some people to control insulin. But also understanding that a balanced diet of natural foods is probably the most suitable of all the diets for health, lifelong maintenance and weight control.

Low carb stupidity #5

Believing calories don't count if you just cut out your carbs (or not counting calories because it's "too much work.")

Low carb intelligence

Knowing that fat loss always did and always will boil down to calories in vs. calories out. Taking the time and effort to crunch your numbers (at least once), typing up your menu on a spreadsheet, keeping a diary, and/or using nutrition tracking software.

Low carb stupidity #6

Staying on a low carb diet that has stopped working (or never worked in the first place).

Low carb intelligence

Adjusting your diet according to your results; understanding that a common definition of insanity (and/or stupidity) is to continue to do the same things over and over again, while expecting a different result.

Low carb stupidity#7

Believing that you don't need exercise because all you need to do is cut carbs.

Low carb intelligence

Knowing that dieting is the worst way to lose fat and that exercise is the best way to lose fat (Burn The Fat, don't starve the fat).

Low carb stupidity #8

Using the argument; "There's no such thing as an essential carbohydrate" as justification for low carb dieting.

Low carb intelligence

Realizing that textbook definitions of "essential" can be taken out of context to promote a fad diet and that just because there's technically no "essential" carbohydrates (as there are essential amino acids and fatty acids) doesn't mean carbohydrates aren't "essential" in other respects.

Low carb stupidity #9

Using the argument, "You have to eat fat to lose fat" as justification for a high fat, low carb diet, without explaining it or putting it in context (exactly how much fat and what kind of fat?)

Low carb intelligence

Understanding the importance of essential and omega three fats (the good fats), but not taking any single nutritional principle to an extreme (such as, "If a little fat is good for you then a lot is even better.")

Low carb stupidity #10

Saying, "All carbs are bad" or "All carbs are fattening."

Low carb intelligence

Avoiding generalizations, and instead, having multiple distinctions about carbohydrates (and other foods) so you can make better choices. For example:

Low GI vs. high GI carbs

Simple vs. complex carbs

Starchy vs. fibrous carbs

Natural vs. refined carbs

High calorie density vs. low calorie density carbs

Low carb stupidity #11

Not clarifying your definition of low carbs.

Low carb intelligence

Realizing that there are "very low" carb diets, "low" carb diets, and "moderate" carb diets and that you cant lump them all together. (Some people consider The Zone Diet, at 40% of calories from carbs, a low carb diet, others consider 40% carbs quite high).

Low carb stupidity #12

Believing that carrots are fattening because they're high on the glycemic index and because a popular fad diet book says so.

Low carb intelligence

Have we lost all vestiges of common sense? With an average carrot clocking in at 31 calories and 7.3 grams of carbs, do you really think that this orange-colored, nutrient-dense, low-calorie, all-natural, straight-out-of-the-ground root vegetable is going to make you fat? (if so, you are in "carbohydrate kindergarten.")

Low carb stupidity... Lucky #13

Eating lots of processed and packaged low carb foods (including those protein "candy bars")... and thinking you're "being good" and "following your diet."

Low carb intelligence

Realizing that natural, unrefined foods are one of the keys to lifelong weight control and that anything man made and refined is NOT an ideal "diet" food - including the highly processed low carb foods that are all the rage this year. (Doesn't this bandwagon reek of the late 80's and early 90's "no fat" craze, when all those "fat free" foods were being passed off as healthy diet food, but were really highly processed and full of pure sugar?)

--End of Stupidities--

Forgive me for the obvious dashes of sarcasm, but sometimes I just can't help myself and I end up going into "rant mode"... I think the last time this happened was in my newsletter almost a year ago... that was the issue where I wrote about the ad for the candy bar that increases your bench press by 50 pounds? Yeah... I heard those bars are especially effective when you combine them with low carb potato chips (weren't those low fat potato chips a few years ago??? Oh nevermind... it's all soooo confusing!)

Copyright 2005 Tom Venuto

Low Carb Intelligence vs. Low Carb Stupidity

Tom Venuto is a certified personal trainer, natural bodybuilder and author of the #1 best selling diet e-book, "Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle. You can get info on Tom's e-book at: http://www.burnthefat.com. To get Tom's free monthly e-zine, visit http://www.fitren.com

High Protein Low Carb Foods - Quick Tips And Warnings

Most people start a diet of high protein low carb foods by eating lots of poultry and meat then avoiding foods like rice, potatoes, bread and noodles. If you're considering this type of diet as well, here are other things you should know.

If you want to use this diet to lose weight, make sure that you inform your physician about it first. He or a recommended nutritionist will then provide you with a sample food plan identifying foods that you can and can't eat as well how much of each food group you're allowed to consume each day.

\"low Carb\"

Eating too much high protein low carb foods might cause you to suffer from instant mood changes. If you're already moody before even taking this diet, you might want to reconsider dieting using this option.

High Protein Low Carb Foods - Quick Tips And Warnings

Many people advocate the virtual opposite of eating high protein low carb foods. These people point out studies which reveal how diets possessing high carbs allow people to enjoy general improvement of their moods.

Be aware that even authorities like the American Heart Association and the government of the United States have guidelines regarding diets and which a high protein low carb diet violates.

With this type of diet, you should try to moderate your lifestyle because the absence of carbohydrates in your body will immediately lead to an absence of energy. Thus, you'll find yourself more easily tired and stressed. Granted, you're going to lose weight more quickly but your exhaustion might prevent you from enjoying your trimmer and healthier figure.

Eating lots of protein and almost zero carbohydrates can also slow down your thinking process. If mental agility is a must in your job, you'll definitely find this diet disadvantageous to your occupation.

There's such a thing as good protein and bad protein. So be careful then about which foods you're eating because it might contain the bad protein. Bad protein foods are disastrous to your diet!

The best source of good protein foods is seafood and fish. Better yet, these foods have low fat content as well, further preventing any chances for you to gain weight.

To end this with a positive note, you should know that amidst all those warnings, there are however two great benefits that you'll enjoy with high protein low carb foods. Firstly, you get to control your weight more easily and secondly, if you want to buff up a little, protein can help you build your muscles.

High Protein Low Carb Foods - Quick Tips And Warnings

To know the right low carb foods to prepare for different meals, visit http://www.lowcarbfoods101.com

Low Carb Snacks That Kids And Adults Will Love

It's the highlight of any school day - recess. This is applicable to any grade-schooler. But as parents, we pretty much have to put healthy and low-carb snacks in our children's lunch boxes. Bear in mind that when a kid gains weight at such a young age, he will have a difficult time shedding the excess pounds when he gets older.

Cakes, candied cereals, ice cream, flavored popcorn, cookies, candies, muffins and all kinds of pastries may seem so appealing. I bet your mouth is watering simply by reading that passage. Sure these are low in fat, but take note, these are relatively high in calories.

\"low Carb\"

But there is a way for us to satisfy our sweet tooth craving the Low Carb Way. First of all, you must have the control to not reach in for the chips and crackers in between meals, or else you're engaging in a low-carb diet will turn out to be completely pointless.

Low Carb Snacks That Kids And Adults Will Love

A low carb snack must ideally have healthy fat, protein and fiber. If you are having eggs or jerky, you might as well have vegetables with it.

Here's a rundown of low-carb snacks you can consider munching on:

- Celery with tuna salad

- Celery with peanut butter

- Hard boiled eggs

- Pickles and cheddar cheese

- Berries and cottage cheese

- Nuts. Best serve when kept in freezer.

- Sunflower seeds

- Pumpkin seeds

- Jerky like turkey or beef. Find the low-sugar variety

- Shakes. Make sure it's low carb though

- Cheese sticks

- Sugar free jello

- Apple slices

- Sugar free yogurt flavored with berries

- Lettuce roll ups on luncheon meat, tuna, or egg salad

- Lettuce dipped in bean dip, spinach dip or other low carb dip

- Ricotta cheese with nuts, fruit or seeds

- Mushroom and cheese spread

- Low carb snack bars

Take note though that just because these are low-carbohydrate, these snacks are healthy. It may be popular and has already dominated the snack food companies and market but as a consumer, you must still be careful when choosing the low-carb snacks you will provide yourself and your family.

First off, low carb snack bars. There are tons of snack bars to choose from in the grocery. Not all of them provide good nutrition. Some low carb snack bars are there to maintain phases of low carb diets because they still contain calories. The sugar they have contain alcohol. Alcohol sugars in low carb snack bars will be difficult to digest and result to gas.

If you choose to settle for low-carb cookie mixes, then the best we can recommend are the low-carb chocolate chip cookies mix and the low-carb peanut butter cookies mix. Simply because, peanut butter is already an example of low-carb snack and chocolate chip cookies' sugar content is balanced out with the help of the eggs and butter (light) mix.

If you would like to try out low carb shakes, make sure to read the labels so you will have an idea of the nutritional content. Double check if the shake mix are low on glycemic.

As pointed out by Dr. Robert Atkins in his Atkins diet, the cause of weight gain is "stodgy" food like bread and potatoes. More often than not, dieters trying out the low-carb diet often complain that they miss eating bread. If it is any consolation, there are some low carb breads out there in the market. These low carb breads have added soy flour to the mix.

But that does not mean that this bread is wheat free. They are also not gluten free. So the best way for you to achieve success in the low-carb diet is to not eat bread entirely. Yeah, you will miss it but it is for the best.

Now, if you feel that you have been very good in sticking with your low-carb diet and deserve to have a binge day once in a while, you can do so. Does pizza sound good? Well, glad to inform you that there are low-carb crust pizza with healthy toppings that is most suitable for the low-carb dieter. Fresh marinara on pizza sauce added with goat cheese, basil, vegetables and tomatoes are enough for a dieter's mouth to water.

Being on a low-carb diet does not mean that you will repress yourself, it only means you have to regulate what you put in your mouth.

Low Carb Snacks That Kids And Adults Will Love

Lee Dobbins writes for www.lowcarb-resource.com [http://www.lowcarb-resource.com] where you can learn more about healthy low carb and low GI eating as well as find out about more delicious low carb foods [http://www.lowcarb-resource.com/lowcarbfoods.html].

Free Low Carb Food List

The popularity of low carb diets is increasing all the time. This is basically because they do actually work, as long as you stick to the particular plan you choose to follow. Obviously the Atkins Diet is the most popular and can have a dramatic effect in just a couple of weeks. An important part of following any of these diets correctly is to have a low carb food list.

This means you will know exactly what you can and cannot eat everyday. It also means you can vary the different meals to prevent you getting bored of each meal. So once you have your carb food list, you can plan different meals for each day. Just because you are on a diet doesn't mean you cannot still eat foods that are tasty and filling. Low carb doesn't have to mean low food.

\"low Carb\"

Here are some various types of low carb foods that you can add to your low carb food list - Swiss Cheese-Shredded, Blue Cheese, Beef Brisket, Beef Chuck, Beef Eye Round, Beef Jerky, Beef Short Ribs, Beef Tenderloin, Veal Breast, Veal Cutlet, Veal Loin, Veal Rib Chop, Veal Round Steak, Veal Scallops, Veal Shank, Veal Stew Meat, Tuna, Pork, Chicken.

Free Low Carb Food List

It is important to eat these foods plentifully and avoid items with high sugar and carb content. Especially in the first two weeks of the atkins diet. This is when the ketosis effect is at it's highest and where you'll experience a rapid weight loss. A good idea is to pin your low carb food list onto a board in the kitchen or put it under a fridge magnet so that it is always in view. If you're not sure whether you can eat a certain item of food, just check your list to see if it is on there. If not, leave it alone and don't be tempted!

Free Low Carb Food List

For more information on low carb diets [http://www.thintony.com] visit - [http://www.thintony.com]

Free List of Low Carb Foods

If you're planning to go on a low carbohydrate diet, here's a free list of foods low in carbohydrates that you can use.

Fruits Low in Carbohydrates

\"low Carb\"

Fresh fruits are a healthy staple that should be included in any diet. For those on a diet, here are some fruits that have the lowest carbohydrate counts:

Free List of Low Carb Foods

o Apples
o Melon
o Guava
o Grapefruit
o Papaya
o Apricots
o Peaches
o Blueberries
o Cranberries
o Raspberries
o Strawberries

Vegetables Low in Carbohydrates

If you're on a diet, majority of the carbohydrates that you take in must come from vegetables, specifically green leafy vegetables. Here are some common low carbohydrate veggies that you can serve in your salad:

o Asparagus
o Artichokes
o Bamboo shoots
o Bell peppers
o Bean sprouts
o Brussel sprouts
o Broccoli
o Cabbage
o Celery
o Cauliflower
o Cucumber
o Eggplant
o Green beans
o Lettuce
o Mushrooms
o Onions
o Radishes
o Spinach
o Tomato
o Zucchini

Protein Low in Carbohydrates

Most protein sources are low in carbohydrates before they are processed or cooked. Thus, it is important to learn how to handle these foods to keep them low in carbohydrates. Here are some protein sources that you can add in your diet:

o Meat: beef, pork, lamb, venison, veal
o Poultry: chicken (dark and white meat), turkey, duck, goose, pheasant, quail
o Fish: catfish, tuna, salmon, sardines, flounder
o Other seafood: clams, crabs, lobster, shrimp, squid
o Eggs

Dairy Products Low in Carbohydrates

Dairy products typically contain lactose, which may have to be limited on a low carbohydrate diet. The following dairy products are low in carbohydrates. Check if these products are allowed in your specific diet plan before taking them:

o Butter
o Cheese: blue cheese, cheddar cheese, cream cheese, mozzarella cheese, parmesan cheese, Roquefort cheese, Swiss cheese
o Cream
o Sour cream

Healthy Carbohydrate Sources

Being on a low carbohydrate diet does not mean that you take out all the carbohydrate sources in your meals. Depending on your diet plan, these carbohydrate sources may be incorporated in your meals, and are best taken as raw:

o Barley
o Beans
o Brown rice
o Corn
o Buckwheat
o Maize
o Oatmeal
o Lentils
o Peas
o Wheat germ
o Yams

Being on a diet doesn't necessarily mean that you can't eat the food that you want. Many of the aforementioned foods are actually palatable while still remaining healthy. Before adding any of these low carbohydrate foods to your meals, be sure to check with your diet program first.

Free List of Low Carb Foods

Lose-11-Pounds.com have a FREE report "Lose Weight Without Starving Yourself" which can be downloaded Here.

List of Low Carb Foods for Weight Loss

Hello there, I have compiled a list of low carb foods and some good substitutes for the higher carb foods in your diet. Start incorporating these foods into your diet and jump start your body's fat burning power.

Fruit - Start eating low sugar fruit. The best choices are small amounts of lemon and lime, rhubarb, raspberries, blackberries, and cranberries. These fruits contain the lowest amount of sugar than any others. Other fruits that contain slightly higher amounts of sugar but are still good choices include cantaloupes, blueberries, peaches, nectarines, papaya, casaba melon, watermelon, strawberries, honeydew melons, apples, guavas, apricots, and grapefruit. Fruits that are fairly high in sugar include pineapple, plums, oranges, kiwifruit, and pears. Fruits that are extremely high in sugar include cherries, tangerines, mangoes, cherries, grapes, pomegranates, mangoes, figs, and bananas.

\"low Carb\"

Nuts and Seeds - Nuts and seeds are packed with nutrients and are great substitutes for more starchier foods like wheat. Flax seeds are extremely healthy and low in carbs. A combination of healthy fat, protein, and fiber make them appetizing to eat.

List of Low Carb Foods for Weight Loss

Dairy products - The amount of dairy you can eat will depend on how sensitive your body is to carbs. Some people can stomach more dairy than others. Milk contains a fair amount of sugar but is broken down over a longer period of time than other sugars. Many people tolerate milk well while others have serious intestinal problems when exposed to it. Don't blame me if you end up stuck on the toilet because you consumed too much milk. Milk does have some carbs in the form of lactose which is supposedly less glycemic than other sugars. Some good substitutes for milk are coconut milk, unsweetened soy milk or unsweetened almond milk. If you are sensitive to milk some other good dairy products where the whey is removed and have less sugar include strained yogurt, cottage cheese, and other cheeses. If you do not have a lot of dairy in your diet make sure you are getting adequate amounts of calcium.

Fats - Believe it or not, there are essential fats in foods that are vital to your overall health. Omega 3′s found in fish are great for you.

Legumes - Legumes such as beans, lentils, and peas have a lot carbs in them. However, these carbs are digested slowly and are excellent choices for people who don't process sugar well. FYI - canned beans are more glycemic than beans you cook yourself. Soy beans are lower in carbohydrates than other beans. Black soy beans are probably your best best because they don't have the bland taste of regular soy beans and they work well in most bean recipes.

Whole grains - While whole grains are often rich in carbs, there are good additions to a low carb diet. The starch is broken down into glucose more slowly than flour and refined grains. A serving of grains is about a half cup. Whole grain pasta should be cooked slightly firm as the more it is cooked the faster it is broken down. You will lose the nutritional value if you cook it for too long. Some good substitutes to pasta which are lower in carbs include spaghetti squash, shirataki noodles, and low carb pastas such as Dreamfields.

Foods you want to stay away from - sugary and starchy foods - aka. foods rapidly produced into glucose

- Foods with lots of sugars such as soft drinks and candies

- Fruit juices - Many fruit juices are packed with sugar. Here are some good guidelines when consuming fruit juices. 8 ounces a day of 100% juice is okay. However, keep in mind, that juices are usually high in calories. If you are really trying to lose weight, substitute the low sugar fruits as mentioned above for fruit juice.

- Foods with tons of flour - Foods such as cakes, cookies, and crackers, are packed with flour and have little nutritional benefit.

List of Low Carb Foods for Weight Loss

For more tips and tricks about dieting and weight loss, visit my website at [http://dietingwithmike.com/]

Sweet Potatoes - The Low-Carb Wonder Food

Sweet potatoes have always been a healthy choice to make when you are looking for that extra addition to your meal. However, there are many who don't understand that sweet potatoes are low in carbohydrates. These have been called the low-carb wonder food for a while now. Whether or not you have diabetes, sweet potatoes help your body in many ways. One way they help your body is through the low carbohydrates.

On thing to be aware of sweet potatoes is that there is sugar added to the canned sweat potatoes sometimes. Be sure to watch out for such additions. This could make you go over the low carbohydrates and not be at all healthy for you to eat. A normal sweet potato has about 28 carbohydrates. With added sugar this could spike more. Sweet potatoes are the low-carb wonder food because of the other benefits which it offers.

\"low Carb\"

Another benefit that this vegetable can offer to your eating habits is that they contain more fiber. Fiber in your eating is very important. If there is no fiber in you diet, there is no nutrition. This healthy vegetable has the fiber content which is required for a well balanced diet. For diabetics, this category of food is very healthy to contribute in the diabetic diet. Having a well portioned meal with a good deal of fiber can increase your chances of losing the excess weight.

Sweet Potatoes - The Low-Carb Wonder Food

Sweet potatoes are the low-carb wonder food. With the carbohydrate count of 28 and the amount of fiber with is found in one sweet potato, there is no wonder why this is how they made their way to the interesting topic of health. There are many benefits in eating this vegetable. With the fiber content helping in weight loss and healthy living, they help you live a happier and healthier life. Enjoy the healthy meal and always remember to watch your health. This is the best you can do to improve the way your body feels.

Sweet Potatoes - The Low-Carb Wonder Food

Dr. Barry Lycka is president of http://www.LesTout.com the number one source of internet guidance.

Not Losing Weight on Low Carb Diet? Cheating Will Help

Not losing weight on a low carb diet is frustrating for certain. You are restricting the number of carbohydrate grams daily and passing on all of your favorite foods and yet the scale is not showing any progress. Here are the three things you must do to make your low carb diet work including how cheating can help.

1. Count your actual carbohydrate grams. There are many hidden carbs in the foods you eat and you might be thinking you are eating fewer carbs than you actually are. Every body is different but if you are consuming more than 50 grams per day your body may have found a settling point and adapted to your low carb routine. Drop this number to 30 grams a day for a few days and see if the scale starts moving for you. Note 30 grams is not many carbs, count every one.

\"low Carb\"

2. Are you eating too much or too little? When low carb diets first became popular they came with the promise that you could eat as much as you want and still lose weight. But this promise has quietly faded away. You cannot eat anything you want but you can fill yourself up. If you are not losing weight on your low carb diet then you will want to start by cutting your portion sizes by one-fourth until your weight starts dropping. On the flip side, you might be eating too few calories and shutting down your fat burning potential.

Not Losing Weight on Low Carb Diet? Cheating Will Help

To know how many calories you should be eating, Google the words "Calorie Calculator". This will give you a cool little tool that calculates your daily caloric need according to your age, height and current weight and activity level.

3. CHEAT! When you have made sure that tips 1 and 2 above are working for you the best thing you can do to jump start your losing is to schedule a weekly "Cheat Day". This is not some "sounds good but doesn't work" scheme, cheating is actually shown in research and real life examples to work.

Here is why cheating will help...

When you are dieting your body's metabolism slows, this is the last thing you want when your goal is to lose weight. But you can keep your metabolism humming right along while you diet by scheduling 6 diet days followed by one cheat day. This one cheat day will have carbohydrates allowed, in fact any of your favorite foods will be allowed: pizza, ice cream, bread...

Now you will notice your cheat day will cause your body to retain water but this water weight is quickly lost and you benefit from a metabolism that is efficiently burning fat for you all week long. Joel Marion is one of the leading hands-on people showing how this cheat method works and he teaches a program called Cheat Your Way Thin which shows exactly how to make this work.

So if you are not losing weight on low carb dieting try these tips: count your actual carbohydrate grams, find your daily caloric needs and stick to them and add a "Cheat Day" to your low carb week. These tips should get your scale moving down.

Not Losing Weight on Low Carb Diet? Cheating Will Help

If you are interested in learning how a Cheat Day can boost your weight loss, then check out Chapter One of my FREE report 7 Proven Secrets to Speed Up Fat Loss and Jump Start Weight Loss. Here you will discover How To Cheat Your Way Thin.

Dr. Becky Gillaspy is a Doctor of Chiropractic, University Professor, Certified Wellness Coach and Author helping clients reach and exceed their weight loss and fitness goals.

Low Carb Diet Side Effects

Many people curious about starting a low carb diet wonder if there are side effects they need to be aware of before getting started. Many also wonder if there are harmful low carb diet side effects too, so let's look at the most common side effects of low carb dieting, and talk about whether any of these are harmful.

Some of these low carb diet side effects can be problematic for people with health conditions, particularly if they're taking medications for those conditions. Often the side effects are good, but you need to be aware they can happen and talk to your medical care provider because they'll need to monitor your progress and possibly change, reduce, or eliminate medications as you progress.

\"low Carb\"

For instance, a very common low carb diet side effect is lowered, or more even blood sugar levels. This is an important low carb diet side effect for any diabetic, particularly ones that take insulin shots or medication. Since low carb diets can drastically reduce your blood sugar levels naturally, your doctor may need to adjust your medication levels to compensate for those changes.

Low Carb Diet Side Effects

Another low carb diet side effect is of course losing a lot of weight. This by itself is not technically a side effect, but related effects of losing weight can include regulation of blood pressure, easing or disappearance of digestive tract problems, and resolution of breathing problems too.

If you're taking high blood pressure medication, then the side effect of having that lowered from eating a low carb diet will need to be addressed by your doctor or medical care specialist. The same applies for digestive troubles, if you experience resolution to those problems as a low carb dieting side effect, your doctor will need to adjust or eliminate the medications you take.

Now if you don't take medications for conditions such as those listed above, you may still experience low carb diet side effects, but they're likely to be ones you're happy to have.

Common, "good" low carb diet side effects include reduced cravings for sugars and starches; increased energy; reduced bloated and gassy, upset stomach feelings; improved bowel movements; regulated blood sugar levels and blood pressure levels; loss of excess water retention; and of course, loss of excess body fat.

There are some low carb diet side effects that are not harmful, but you need to be aware of them because they are uncomfortable at best. These low carb diet side effects are more common during the first one to five days on the diet, and are side effects of your body adjusting to your eating changes. These side effects can include headaches; nausea; dizziness; lethargy or low energy; severe sugar cravings; irritability; and constipation.

There are also a couple of women specific low carb diet side effects. In the first week or two of your new low carb diet, you may experience oddities with your monthly menstrual flow. Usually this side effect lasts a short time though, and is caused by your body adjusting to the new eating lifestyle you've chosen. A great low carb diet side effect comes later: Women's menstrual flow is usually reduced, and there is generally much less pain or other problems involved while you're on a low carb diet.

Many of those early low carb diet side effects can be reduced by drinking extra water and getting plenty of rest, plus making sure you don't go hungry. In rare cases these initial low carb diet side effects can last as long as ten days, but usually they're present from approximately the third to the fifth day of your low carb diet.

Low Carb Diet Side Effects

For more information on Low Carb Diet Side Effects visit http://www.lowcarb.healthanddiettips.com

What Are Some Good Low Carb Beverages, Low Calorie Drinks, and Healthy Energy Drinks?

In the past five years, there have been two major moves in America: Weight loss and energy drinks. Unfortunately, in the past, these two categories were never able to fit together as the energy drinks contain too much carbs, sugar, and other unhealthy products. If you are trying to lose weight, but still need that extra boost combined with a good taste, then you are going to really like the article.

When losing weight you've got to be very conscious of what you put into your body. Excess carbs, sugars, and caffeine will keep you from obtaining your goals. This seems like an obvious statement, but how many times have you seen someone in the gym with brand X energy just packed with sugar and carbs? I know, it's crazy. I guess people's thoughts are they will burn more with the extra boost than what the drink puts in them. Seems to be a little counter active to me. Now, it's possible to have the extra boost and not have to worry about all the extra junk going into your body, and to top it off, the drinks actually taste good! Imagine, no more battery acid taste resonating in your mouth through your work out and daily life!

\"low Carb\"

The company that is spear-heading the way to a healthy alternative for energy drinks and sports drinks is XS. You may have heard of them. They have out sold Red Bull online in North America the past several years. XS boasts more than 12 different flavors and types of energy drinks ranging from cola/root beer flavors to tropical/fruity flavors. The best part of the drinks is they all have zero (0) sugar, low calories and very low carbs! This means that diabetics can also drink these and not kill over on the spot! All the energy that your body gets comes from its blend of B vitamins and other energy related vitamins. The B-12 in this one can has 12,900% stomping all other competition. All the vitamins are natural so there are no side effects at all, and is impossible to over dose on. Your body will take what it needs and secrete the rest of it out through your urine. You are allowed to drink as many as you want and not have to worry about a trip to the hospital.

What Are Some Good Low Carb Beverages, Low Calorie Drinks, and Healthy Energy Drinks?

XS comes by the case (12 in each case), and is in standard sized energy drink cans. The product is backed by a 90 day guarantee. This means that you can get your case in, try one, absolutely hate it, ship it back using the pre-paid label it comes with, and get your full refund- no questions asked, as long as it is done within 90 days. This is done simply because customers love the product and hardly ever ship it back.

If you are looking to lose weight this New Year, but suffer from the lack of energy that most people feel, XS will be your friend. I challenge you to try XS out and see if I am lying. In the worst case scenario, you get a case in, drink one or two, hate them, ship them back and get your full refund in 7-10 days. My personal recommendation is to go for the tropical if you like fruity flavors (I don't like lemon- it's got a lot of kick) or the root beer if you like pop and are suffering from not drinking it.

What Are Some Good Low Carb Beverages, Low Calorie Drinks, and Healthy Energy Drinks?

If You've Ever Asked Yourself What Are Some Good Low Carb Beverages, Low Calorie Drinks, and Healthy Energy Drinks?- Click The Link Below:

Healthy Energy Drinks

Brian Pink

Low Carb Recipes For the Prism Weight Loss Program

With more and more people who are concerned with their weights and want to undergo a weight loss program, to choose the right kind of weight loss program to follow can be very difficult. This is because there are many programs out there that one can avail of and there are so many diet recipes that you can explore. The problem though is that what you can only do is to simply try the programs and the recipes first before you see the result of the program. This is the scenario that often beset those people who are into a diet program. As they say, you need to try for you to see the result. But one of the recipes that many people have tried and have proven to be effective is the recipes for the prism weight loss program.

There are a number of recipes out there to follow for those who are into diets and one of those that interest many are recipes for the PRISM weight loss program. Diet program provided for by this company is that of a low carbohydrate and faith based program that emphasizes change in an individual's way of life rather than on temporary diet weight loss plan. The Prism weight loss program was developed sometime in 1990 and almost one hundred thousand people follow the program and formed a group of fellows who are also into this diet program. The group in essence becomes the support group of each one of them and is there to encourage one another and share their diet insights and experiences.

\"low Carb\"

As for the recipes for the Prism weight loss program, the main diet recipes are on a low-carbohydrate meal plan which basically calls for cut on sugar, white bread and other processed foods. The program also allows certain leeway for sugar such as the use of unprocessed sugar like honey and even allows for a wider variety of food options. Also, the program aims to eliminate the intake of too many carbohydrates which come from fruits and vegetables. The program unlike the other diet program incorporates a variety of foods to choose from in order for you to have a right and balance diet.

Low Carb Recipes For the Prism Weight Loss Program

When you join the program they provide for a dietary plan that you should follow for six weeks wherein the whole thing calls for a daily 1,200 to 1,400 calorie-diet. In Prism, what is emphasized is that one should opt for the healthy whole foods rather than the white, processed, and refined products. Almost everything in the diet program has to be weighed in order to ensure that you take just enough calories that your body can burn.

Low Carb Recipes For the Prism Weight Loss Program

Anthony Thedford has been writing information articles for years. For more information on weight loss, please visit our website at [http://www.infosearchlive.com/weightloss/]

Low Carb High Protein Recipes

Low carbohydrates high protein recipes have always been popular with athletes. This popularity has exploded in the last 10 years due to the introduction of low carb diets to the public. There are many low carb diet recipes such as, low carb breakfast recipes, low carb lunch recipes, regular low carbohydrates recipes, free information on recipes, and high protein recipes that are more and more popular to the public more so than athletes today.

The high protein low carbohydrates diet will consist of foods that are high in protein but low in carbohydrates such as, lean hamburger meat, lean steaks, most cuts of lean red meats, all types of chicken, fish, pork chops, pork loins or tenderloin, ham (check bacon), eggs, milk, yogurt, hard - soft - medium cheeses, tofu, soy milk, beans, split peas, peanut butter, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds and a whole lot more.

\"low Carb\"

The small list above will give you an idea of high protein foods that can be associated with low carbohydrates high protein recipes, and can also be formed into low carb breakfast recipes as well. If your body is consuming the correct balance of low carbs and proteins, this will not only allow your body to shed pounds but in-effect transform areas that use to be problem fatty areas into muscle. Yes, the high protein diets will use that protein to develop muscle in the areas were muscle is needed.

Low Carb High Protein Recipes

Many professional body builders use these types of diets to shed fatty tissue and build muscle tone. With weight training and proper exercise this can be achieved. For those that would like to find a low carbohydrates high protein diet, there are many available and not just for eating meat. You can find a diet that's right for you. If you would prefer to eat beans, soy, nuts and such, there are diet recipes available to accommodate you. These diets are not set in stone and can be used in a multitude of different ways.

You have to remember that, although you can find low carb recipes free, that doesn't always mean they are the right recipes for you. Do the research; find the information that closely resembles the types of foods you've eaten before, this will help you to get started. Then you can add different food groups that may be new to you, and you can enjoy a decent low carb high protein diet with newer foods.

There is another reminder I would like to add about finding low carb high protein recipes and that is, you don't want to make this out to be a job. You want to look forward to your next meal. It is very important to realize this. If you make it into a job, you will lose interest very quickly and for the most part stop dieting. This happens to millions of people around the world. They are dieting with foods they do not like to eat, they fashion the diet into something horrible. Then blame it on the diet or recipes for the failure.

Take your time in getting the right recipes, pick and choose, there are many low carb high protein recipes available. Find one that will fit your lifestyle with the high proteins you can eat that you enjoy. Some people like to eat meat, others don't. Some people like dairy products, others don't. You can take many different recipes and create your own plan. This is done all the time. We try to make it simple by putting together the most common recipes, and making them available. Low carbohydrates high protein recipes and low carbohydrates breakfast recipes, all being the most common will help you in achieving your goals very quickly.

Low Carb High Protein Recipes

Visit: Fast Weight Loss Diet Plan for more Start Fat Burning Diet Plan Eating secrets and more information

Bodybuilding, Can You Build Muscle On A Low Carb Diet?

One question that often gets asked in the bodybuilding world is whether or not you can effectively build muscle while following a low carb diet approach.

Low carb diets have been all the rage lately for those who are wishing to lose weight as they generally help to control hunger levels better and some people find are a lot easier to follow.

\"low Carb\"

But what about when it comes to building muscle? Is a low carb muscle building nutrition program a smart approach? Let's look a little further.

Bodybuilding, Can You Build Muscle On A Low Carb Diet?


One very important thing you must keep in mind is that if you bring carbohydrates low enough while on a low carb diet, you can enter a state called ketosis. This is when the body is going to switch from running off carbohydrates as fuel to running of fat instead.

The big problem with ketosis is that it is also generally associated with being in a catabolic state, hence, will almost always be detrimental to building muscle.

If you aren't in ketosis, then this is fine since your body can still be anabolic (building muscle), assuming a calorie surplus is given.

In order to stay out of ketosis on a low carb diet, be sure you consume at least 100 grams of carbohydrates each day (this is what is necessary to fuel the brain while not in ketosis) and then any additional carbohydrates required to keep up your workouts).

Energy And Intense Exercise

The next issue that must be addressed when going on a low carb diet is how it will affect your energy levels. Some people feel fine on a lower carb approach while others do not. Since when you are trying to build muscle you want to be doing very intense workouts, you cannot have your energy levels lagging.

Additionally, the body requires carbohydrates in order to lift weight effectively (since fat cannot be used as fuel for this time of movement) therefore, you will be required to either eat carbohydrates in the pre and post workout periods (to fill up muscle glycogen), or do a weekly carb-load in order to give your muscles the carbohydrates they need to function off of during the week.

Decreased Rate Of Fat Gain

One of the pluses of a lower carb approach though can be your ability to control how much fat is added to the body slightly better.

Since fat and protein have minimal effect on insulin levels, and insulin is the driving hormone that causes fat storage, you may find you gain a greater proportion of muscle on a lower carb muscle building program than if you would have went higher in carbs.

Do note though that it still does boil down to total calories. You simply cannot consume thousands of excess calories per day from fat and expect not to gain fat weight. We still need to look at this realistically.

So, there is definitely a place in bodybuilding for low carb diets assuming that:

1. You are supplying at least 100 grams of carbs per day plus any additional needed to support training

2. You eat carbs in the pre/post workout period or choose to do a large weekly carb-up

3. You find that you do not feel completely drained on this type of diet and are still able to lift weight effectively.

If all of these factors are in line, then yes, you can build muscle while using a low carb diet.

Bodybuilding, Can You Build Muscle On A Low Carb Diet?

Learn [http://www.muscleadvantageplan.com] more about what types of nutrition principles will help you build muscle.

If you're not gaining any muscle mass and need help figuring out what you're doing wrong, please visit www.muscleadvantageplan.com [http://www.muscleadvantageplan.com] for a look at how muscle model Vince Delmonte transformed his body.