High Protein Low Carb Foods - Quick Tips And Warnings

Most people start a diet of high protein low carb foods by eating lots of poultry and meat then avoiding foods like rice, potatoes, bread and noodles. If you're considering this type of diet as well, here are other things you should know.

If you want to use this diet to lose weight, make sure that you inform your physician about it first. He or a recommended nutritionist will then provide you with a sample food plan identifying foods that you can and can't eat as well how much of each food group you're allowed to consume each day.

\"low Carb\"

Eating too much high protein low carb foods might cause you to suffer from instant mood changes. If you're already moody before even taking this diet, you might want to reconsider dieting using this option.

High Protein Low Carb Foods - Quick Tips And Warnings

Many people advocate the virtual opposite of eating high protein low carb foods. These people point out studies which reveal how diets possessing high carbs allow people to enjoy general improvement of their moods.

Be aware that even authorities like the American Heart Association and the government of the United States have guidelines regarding diets and which a high protein low carb diet violates.

With this type of diet, you should try to moderate your lifestyle because the absence of carbohydrates in your body will immediately lead to an absence of energy. Thus, you'll find yourself more easily tired and stressed. Granted, you're going to lose weight more quickly but your exhaustion might prevent you from enjoying your trimmer and healthier figure.

Eating lots of protein and almost zero carbohydrates can also slow down your thinking process. If mental agility is a must in your job, you'll definitely find this diet disadvantageous to your occupation.

There's such a thing as good protein and bad protein. So be careful then about which foods you're eating because it might contain the bad protein. Bad protein foods are disastrous to your diet!

The best source of good protein foods is seafood and fish. Better yet, these foods have low fat content as well, further preventing any chances for you to gain weight.

To end this with a positive note, you should know that amidst all those warnings, there are however two great benefits that you'll enjoy with high protein low carb foods. Firstly, you get to control your weight more easily and secondly, if you want to buff up a little, protein can help you build your muscles.

High Protein Low Carb Foods - Quick Tips And Warnings

To know the right low carb foods to prepare for different meals, visit http://www.lowcarbfoods101.com

Low Carb Snacks That Kids And Adults Will Love

It's the highlight of any school day - recess. This is applicable to any grade-schooler. But as parents, we pretty much have to put healthy and low-carb snacks in our children's lunch boxes. Bear in mind that when a kid gains weight at such a young age, he will have a difficult time shedding the excess pounds when he gets older.

Cakes, candied cereals, ice cream, flavored popcorn, cookies, candies, muffins and all kinds of pastries may seem so appealing. I bet your mouth is watering simply by reading that passage. Sure these are low in fat, but take note, these are relatively high in calories.

\"low Carb\"

But there is a way for us to satisfy our sweet tooth craving the Low Carb Way. First of all, you must have the control to not reach in for the chips and crackers in between meals, or else you're engaging in a low-carb diet will turn out to be completely pointless.

Low Carb Snacks That Kids And Adults Will Love

A low carb snack must ideally have healthy fat, protein and fiber. If you are having eggs or jerky, you might as well have vegetables with it.

Here's a rundown of low-carb snacks you can consider munching on:

- Celery with tuna salad

- Celery with peanut butter

- Hard boiled eggs

- Pickles and cheddar cheese

- Berries and cottage cheese

- Nuts. Best serve when kept in freezer.

- Sunflower seeds

- Pumpkin seeds

- Jerky like turkey or beef. Find the low-sugar variety

- Shakes. Make sure it's low carb though

- Cheese sticks

- Sugar free jello

- Apple slices

- Sugar free yogurt flavored with berries

- Lettuce roll ups on luncheon meat, tuna, or egg salad

- Lettuce dipped in bean dip, spinach dip or other low carb dip

- Ricotta cheese with nuts, fruit or seeds

- Mushroom and cheese spread

- Low carb snack bars

Take note though that just because these are low-carbohydrate, these snacks are healthy. It may be popular and has already dominated the snack food companies and market but as a consumer, you must still be careful when choosing the low-carb snacks you will provide yourself and your family.

First off, low carb snack bars. There are tons of snack bars to choose from in the grocery. Not all of them provide good nutrition. Some low carb snack bars are there to maintain phases of low carb diets because they still contain calories. The sugar they have contain alcohol. Alcohol sugars in low carb snack bars will be difficult to digest and result to gas.

If you choose to settle for low-carb cookie mixes, then the best we can recommend are the low-carb chocolate chip cookies mix and the low-carb peanut butter cookies mix. Simply because, peanut butter is already an example of low-carb snack and chocolate chip cookies' sugar content is balanced out with the help of the eggs and butter (light) mix.

If you would like to try out low carb shakes, make sure to read the labels so you will have an idea of the nutritional content. Double check if the shake mix are low on glycemic.

As pointed out by Dr. Robert Atkins in his Atkins diet, the cause of weight gain is "stodgy" food like bread and potatoes. More often than not, dieters trying out the low-carb diet often complain that they miss eating bread. If it is any consolation, there are some low carb breads out there in the market. These low carb breads have added soy flour to the mix.

But that does not mean that this bread is wheat free. They are also not gluten free. So the best way for you to achieve success in the low-carb diet is to not eat bread entirely. Yeah, you will miss it but it is for the best.

Now, if you feel that you have been very good in sticking with your low-carb diet and deserve to have a binge day once in a while, you can do so. Does pizza sound good? Well, glad to inform you that there are low-carb crust pizza with healthy toppings that is most suitable for the low-carb dieter. Fresh marinara on pizza sauce added with goat cheese, basil, vegetables and tomatoes are enough for a dieter's mouth to water.

Being on a low-carb diet does not mean that you will repress yourself, it only means you have to regulate what you put in your mouth.

Low Carb Snacks That Kids And Adults Will Love

Lee Dobbins writes for www.lowcarb-resource.com [http://www.lowcarb-resource.com] where you can learn more about healthy low carb and low GI eating as well as find out about more delicious low carb foods [http://www.lowcarb-resource.com/lowcarbfoods.html].

Free Low Carb Food List

The popularity of low carb diets is increasing all the time. This is basically because they do actually work, as long as you stick to the particular plan you choose to follow. Obviously the Atkins Diet is the most popular and can have a dramatic effect in just a couple of weeks. An important part of following any of these diets correctly is to have a low carb food list.

This means you will know exactly what you can and cannot eat everyday. It also means you can vary the different meals to prevent you getting bored of each meal. So once you have your carb food list, you can plan different meals for each day. Just because you are on a diet doesn't mean you cannot still eat foods that are tasty and filling. Low carb doesn't have to mean low food.

\"low Carb\"

Here are some various types of low carb foods that you can add to your low carb food list - Swiss Cheese-Shredded, Blue Cheese, Beef Brisket, Beef Chuck, Beef Eye Round, Beef Jerky, Beef Short Ribs, Beef Tenderloin, Veal Breast, Veal Cutlet, Veal Loin, Veal Rib Chop, Veal Round Steak, Veal Scallops, Veal Shank, Veal Stew Meat, Tuna, Pork, Chicken.

Free Low Carb Food List

It is important to eat these foods plentifully and avoid items with high sugar and carb content. Especially in the first two weeks of the atkins diet. This is when the ketosis effect is at it's highest and where you'll experience a rapid weight loss. A good idea is to pin your low carb food list onto a board in the kitchen or put it under a fridge magnet so that it is always in view. If you're not sure whether you can eat a certain item of food, just check your list to see if it is on there. If not, leave it alone and don't be tempted!

Free Low Carb Food List

For more information on low carb diets [http://www.thintony.com] visit - [http://www.thintony.com]

Free List of Low Carb Foods

If you're planning to go on a low carbohydrate diet, here's a free list of foods low in carbohydrates that you can use.

Fruits Low in Carbohydrates

\"low Carb\"

Fresh fruits are a healthy staple that should be included in any diet. For those on a diet, here are some fruits that have the lowest carbohydrate counts:

Free List of Low Carb Foods

o Apples
o Melon
o Guava
o Grapefruit
o Papaya
o Apricots
o Peaches
o Blueberries
o Cranberries
o Raspberries
o Strawberries

Vegetables Low in Carbohydrates

If you're on a diet, majority of the carbohydrates that you take in must come from vegetables, specifically green leafy vegetables. Here are some common low carbohydrate veggies that you can serve in your salad:

o Asparagus
o Artichokes
o Bamboo shoots
o Bell peppers
o Bean sprouts
o Brussel sprouts
o Broccoli
o Cabbage
o Celery
o Cauliflower
o Cucumber
o Eggplant
o Green beans
o Lettuce
o Mushrooms
o Onions
o Radishes
o Spinach
o Tomato
o Zucchini

Protein Low in Carbohydrates

Most protein sources are low in carbohydrates before they are processed or cooked. Thus, it is important to learn how to handle these foods to keep them low in carbohydrates. Here are some protein sources that you can add in your diet:

o Meat: beef, pork, lamb, venison, veal
o Poultry: chicken (dark and white meat), turkey, duck, goose, pheasant, quail
o Fish: catfish, tuna, salmon, sardines, flounder
o Other seafood: clams, crabs, lobster, shrimp, squid
o Eggs

Dairy Products Low in Carbohydrates

Dairy products typically contain lactose, which may have to be limited on a low carbohydrate diet. The following dairy products are low in carbohydrates. Check if these products are allowed in your specific diet plan before taking them:

o Butter
o Cheese: blue cheese, cheddar cheese, cream cheese, mozzarella cheese, parmesan cheese, Roquefort cheese, Swiss cheese
o Cream
o Sour cream

Healthy Carbohydrate Sources

Being on a low carbohydrate diet does not mean that you take out all the carbohydrate sources in your meals. Depending on your diet plan, these carbohydrate sources may be incorporated in your meals, and are best taken as raw:

o Barley
o Beans
o Brown rice
o Corn
o Buckwheat
o Maize
o Oatmeal
o Lentils
o Peas
o Wheat germ
o Yams

Being on a diet doesn't necessarily mean that you can't eat the food that you want. Many of the aforementioned foods are actually palatable while still remaining healthy. Before adding any of these low carbohydrate foods to your meals, be sure to check with your diet program first.

Free List of Low Carb Foods

Lose-11-Pounds.com have a FREE report "Lose Weight Without Starving Yourself" which can be downloaded Here.

List of Low Carb Foods for Weight Loss

Hello there, I have compiled a list of low carb foods and some good substitutes for the higher carb foods in your diet. Start incorporating these foods into your diet and jump start your body's fat burning power.

Fruit - Start eating low sugar fruit. The best choices are small amounts of lemon and lime, rhubarb, raspberries, blackberries, and cranberries. These fruits contain the lowest amount of sugar than any others. Other fruits that contain slightly higher amounts of sugar but are still good choices include cantaloupes, blueberries, peaches, nectarines, papaya, casaba melon, watermelon, strawberries, honeydew melons, apples, guavas, apricots, and grapefruit. Fruits that are fairly high in sugar include pineapple, plums, oranges, kiwifruit, and pears. Fruits that are extremely high in sugar include cherries, tangerines, mangoes, cherries, grapes, pomegranates, mangoes, figs, and bananas.

\"low Carb\"

Nuts and Seeds - Nuts and seeds are packed with nutrients and are great substitutes for more starchier foods like wheat. Flax seeds are extremely healthy and low in carbs. A combination of healthy fat, protein, and fiber make them appetizing to eat.

List of Low Carb Foods for Weight Loss

Dairy products - The amount of dairy you can eat will depend on how sensitive your body is to carbs. Some people can stomach more dairy than others. Milk contains a fair amount of sugar but is broken down over a longer period of time than other sugars. Many people tolerate milk well while others have serious intestinal problems when exposed to it. Don't blame me if you end up stuck on the toilet because you consumed too much milk. Milk does have some carbs in the form of lactose which is supposedly less glycemic than other sugars. Some good substitutes for milk are coconut milk, unsweetened soy milk or unsweetened almond milk. If you are sensitive to milk some other good dairy products where the whey is removed and have less sugar include strained yogurt, cottage cheese, and other cheeses. If you do not have a lot of dairy in your diet make sure you are getting adequate amounts of calcium.

Fats - Believe it or not, there are essential fats in foods that are vital to your overall health. Omega 3′s found in fish are great for you.

Legumes - Legumes such as beans, lentils, and peas have a lot carbs in them. However, these carbs are digested slowly and are excellent choices for people who don't process sugar well. FYI - canned beans are more glycemic than beans you cook yourself. Soy beans are lower in carbohydrates than other beans. Black soy beans are probably your best best because they don't have the bland taste of regular soy beans and they work well in most bean recipes.

Whole grains - While whole grains are often rich in carbs, there are good additions to a low carb diet. The starch is broken down into glucose more slowly than flour and refined grains. A serving of grains is about a half cup. Whole grain pasta should be cooked slightly firm as the more it is cooked the faster it is broken down. You will lose the nutritional value if you cook it for too long. Some good substitutes to pasta which are lower in carbs include spaghetti squash, shirataki noodles, and low carb pastas such as Dreamfields.

Foods you want to stay away from - sugary and starchy foods - aka. foods rapidly produced into glucose

- Foods with lots of sugars such as soft drinks and candies

- Fruit juices - Many fruit juices are packed with sugar. Here are some good guidelines when consuming fruit juices. 8 ounces a day of 100% juice is okay. However, keep in mind, that juices are usually high in calories. If you are really trying to lose weight, substitute the low sugar fruits as mentioned above for fruit juice.

- Foods with tons of flour - Foods such as cakes, cookies, and crackers, are packed with flour and have little nutritional benefit.

List of Low Carb Foods for Weight Loss

For more tips and tricks about dieting and weight loss, visit my website at [http://dietingwithmike.com/]

Sweet Potatoes - The Low-Carb Wonder Food

Sweet potatoes have always been a healthy choice to make when you are looking for that extra addition to your meal. However, there are many who don't understand that sweet potatoes are low in carbohydrates. These have been called the low-carb wonder food for a while now. Whether or not you have diabetes, sweet potatoes help your body in many ways. One way they help your body is through the low carbohydrates.

On thing to be aware of sweet potatoes is that there is sugar added to the canned sweat potatoes sometimes. Be sure to watch out for such additions. This could make you go over the low carbohydrates and not be at all healthy for you to eat. A normal sweet potato has about 28 carbohydrates. With added sugar this could spike more. Sweet potatoes are the low-carb wonder food because of the other benefits which it offers.

\"low Carb\"

Another benefit that this vegetable can offer to your eating habits is that they contain more fiber. Fiber in your eating is very important. If there is no fiber in you diet, there is no nutrition. This healthy vegetable has the fiber content which is required for a well balanced diet. For diabetics, this category of food is very healthy to contribute in the diabetic diet. Having a well portioned meal with a good deal of fiber can increase your chances of losing the excess weight.

Sweet Potatoes - The Low-Carb Wonder Food

Sweet potatoes are the low-carb wonder food. With the carbohydrate count of 28 and the amount of fiber with is found in one sweet potato, there is no wonder why this is how they made their way to the interesting topic of health. There are many benefits in eating this vegetable. With the fiber content helping in weight loss and healthy living, they help you live a happier and healthier life. Enjoy the healthy meal and always remember to watch your health. This is the best you can do to improve the way your body feels.

Sweet Potatoes - The Low-Carb Wonder Food

Dr. Barry Lycka is president of http://www.LesTout.com the number one source of internet guidance.